
Showing posts from May, 2021

Where are these Vikings drinking horns used?

Mead Drinking: Mead, often considered the drink of gods in Norse mythology, is consumed in these Vikings drinking horns in the ancient world. Many countries like Europe, Africa, and China consumed mead heavily in these horns during any festive parties of those times. Wine Drinking As time passed, ancient folks discovered that fermented grapes also taste delicious and started preparing wine. Romans, Greeks also considered getting drunk to be a spiritual experience and drinking wine in their beloved drinking horns. Alcohol Beverages Today, the drinking horns are used by everyone to consume many alcoholic beverages like wine, beer, etc. Many popular world premiers, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, have increased these horns' popularity. Visit for more information:

How are these horns manufactured?

Be it a buffalo, cow, or ox  drinking horn ; it  is made in the same following steps mentioned below. ·          The horn's inner core is first removed by boiling the whole horn, and then the softened marrow is scraped out. ·          Later the extracted core is softened using heat and pressed to form its desired shape. ·          Once the desired horn is formed, its coated with the formulated food-safe water-based coating and polished to a light sheen. ·          It's then fitted with the opted metal design or carved with etchings. Read more this post visit this link: